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Colours of Life

Celebrate love!
- By Rohan Raj

Your marriage is one of the grandest occasions of your life! It doesn't and shouldn't end there! Most couples make time to celebrate their marriage anniversary. However, that's not enough. The key for a long and happy relationship is the two of you celebrating your everyday in a special way. Keeping it Simple is the key. This type of celebrating doesn't have to involve a lot of money or going out on a date together. In fact, the more simple you keep it, the more often you will celebrate, and your relationship will be richer for it.

It is important to not make this into a competition or test to see who can out celebrate the other. When you've truly celebrated your marriage, you will feel stronger and closer as a couple.

Make positive comments about the way each other looks, or how a project turned out, or an interaction with one of the kids, etc. Brag about each other! Let one another know they are appreciated.

Listen to songs and dedicate it to your love. They will feel cherished and loved!

Keep writing letters to one another and comment about your marriage. Keep them in an album to look back on years from now.

Do make time for just the two of you. Walk around the block, or go out on a date. Pull out old pictures and look at them together. Keep teasing in a playful way At meal times, have a toast to one another for one good thing that happened in your relationship that day. Tell one another what you appreciate the most about being married to one another.

Begin using the tool of daily dialogue. Meet somewhere for lunch now and then.

As you continue creating special rituals and meaningful experiences together, your sense of celebration of your love for one another will grow and deepen. Couples who survive the test of time are those who can adapt to change and who know what one another expects.